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Recent content by lumene

  1. lumene

    Snakes in Tubs (SPCA related)

    Hey guys, This is just a quickie, mostly for those who keep their snakes in tubs and etc. Short story:I moved, and my former landlady didn't like it. So she called the spca about how I was breeding rats in her garage, and that I had snakes in tubs (12 and 27qt tubs) and they were "in distress...
  2. lumene

    Snake Closet?

    Okay, I have been away for a long, long while now, but I am back! I have a new prospective project and I need some serious professional opinions... I have recently downgraded from renting an entire apartment, to a single bedroom in a home with roommates, and I never realized just how easy it...
  3. lumene

    Considering a colony or two

    Well Hi! I've been gone a few months, sorry. Life happened. Anyway, the time has come for me to consider a feeder colony (or two) of my own. I am up to 25 snakes, and realized I am spending a fortune on mice and rats.. I am thinking of starting with ASFs, since I know a reliable breeder and...
  4. lumene

    Talking to a Cohabber...

    Okay All, Another member on another forum (ferrets not snakes, I guess that will explain a few things) got very upset when I told her that cohabbing is unkind to the snakes to say the least. All I did was point that out, and ask her to remove the pictures of her 'happy snakes'. The...
  5. lumene

    Charred Tail

    I'm posting this here because I've dropped off most of the other forums. You all don't hate on me like the rest, please don't start now. A rescue (the Toblerones and King pair) that I took in escaped Saturday or Sunday has been found. I am 90% sure he is going to lose an inch or more of is...
  6. lumene

    The Toblerones and Kings- New Rescues...

    Hi All, So this week I took in seven animals from a friend who I am considering less of a friend after witnessing how these animals were housed... The four corns were cohabbed together for an unknown amount of time, I'm guessing a year or more. One of the Okees is female (here's hoping she...
  7. lumene


    I have mites guys, from my "Snakes in Limbo" BRB's as they were in the back of a pet store... Pay-check is Friday, is there anything I can do to keep a lid on things in the meantime? I removed the BRB's and put them in a 'new' Quarantine Zone, haven't seen any sign of trouble with the corns...
  8. lumene

    Snow corn left in front of my apartment.

    So, Saturday I went out, came back and found a fat, fat, fat snow corn snake in a critter keeper in front of my door. I live on the fourth floor of an apartment building- no key, no entry type... I can only say ?????????
  9. lumene

    Snakes as Service Animals??

    Snake sensing owner's seizures. Pros? Cons? Opinions? http://blogs.discovery.com/animal_oddities/2012/01/seizure-sensing-snake.html#mkcpgn=fbapl1
  10. lumene

    A Couple Interesting Q's

    I am wondering because my hatchie is still MIA. Question 1. What is a corn snakes' range of smell? How far away can they smell prey? I have been leaving pinkies ou but have no absolute proof my Bug is eating them (my cat will eat them if left where he can get them) Question 2. How flat...
  11. lumene

    Snakes in Limbo :(

    Hey guys, So I need some good karma this month. I have three snakes in limbo between me and another owner... I have run out of money halfway through the sale. *sigh* Somehow I miscalculated by almost a thousand dollars in my budget, including food and rent for December... I could just really...
  12. lumene

    Two Snakes Missing in One Apartment

    GAAAAAHHHHH! One of my hatchies has been missing for almost a month and today I found that one of my tiny two year olds was missing... Luckily the two year old was just located by my boyfriend behind our fridge- the hatchie is still AWOL. I tried bottle traps and pinkies with heat pads to...
  13. lumene

    Off base... Ferrets?

    Hi guys, I don't seem to be on much these days because I am toilet training my cat, and getting dumped with unwanted pets while on medical leave from college. (I don't think I have a sign telling the general population that my apartment is a pet rescue, but people keep finding me). The...
  14. lumene

    Need your thoughts for MIA Hatchling

    Hey guys, I just really need your good thoughts right now. One of my hatchlings is MIA. I noticed him gone thursday evening (feeding night). Admittedly this week has been hectic and I haven't been checking on everyone regularly. He was locked in a tub, the lid wasn't so wonderful, but I loaded...
  15. lumene

    Undersized Corns.

    I have a couple snakes who are undersized by normal standards, and I could use some reassurance or advice on how to improve them, or if I shouldn't be concerned at all. 2008 Anery het lavender, male- Malcom, about 200 grams. Eats smaller sized adults. In October 2009, I picked this guy up...