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Recent content by nivek5225

  1. nivek5225

    Brumation or no brumation?

    I would like to breed 2 of my corns next year, but don't know if I should brumate them or not. The problem, is that I wouldn't really be able to get the temperature below 60 degrees F. Do you think I should just not have them brumate, or should i just put the temperature the best I can(around 60)?
  2. nivek5225

    New Little Guy!

    Here is my new little guy that i got from Carol, he still needs a name so lets hear your suggessions! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw0l-8zuFcw
  3. nivek5225

    Frozen mice/rats in Illinois!

    Not sure if i'm posting this in the right section so sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong place. Anyway, I order frozen mice/rats from RodentPro every month, but i order in bulk since the shipping is so much. Sooo... if there is anyone in Illinois that is looking for a new "supplier" of mice...
  4. nivek5225

    too small??

    I've never weighed my male corn snake before, and just figured he would be fine to breed this season. Well i just weighed him for the first time and he was only like 120grams. I've heard males should be atleast 200grams. Is he too small to put with a bigger female? Should I wait until next...
  5. nivek5225


    Hello, Are there any breeders that "specialize" in the Miami phase corn? I see some that are real nice and bright and then others that are just kinda "so-so"... Is there any breeder that is known for breeding nice miamis?
  6. nivek5225

    cornsnake / gray-banded kingsnake comparison

    For anyone that has owned BOTH cornsnakes and gray banded kingsnakes, how do they compare? temperment, size, care... how do they compare to cornsnakes?
  7. nivek5225

    what would the outcome be?

    I have an abbotts okeetee right now and was thinking about getting a miami. If they bred, what would they babies be?
  8. nivek5225

    wierd shed/poop

    The other day my corn snake shed, and INSIDE his shed skin was a big poop... I'm very confused :confused:
  9. nivek5225

    UTH question.

    How can i use an UTH without taping it onto the bottom of the tank? I ask because I want to re-use it once i move to a bigger tank, and if i tape it to the bottom i wont be able to remove it and use it again...
  10. nivek5225

    miami phase question

    I have heard that the miami phase corn snakes are smaller... but about how much smaller are they?
  11. nivek5225

    how long to calm down?

    I was just wondering how long it takes for a hatchling to calm down... I know that hatchlings are real fiesty and will try to bite a lot from being scared. I was just wondering how long does it take for them to calm down and realize that you aren't trying to attack them so that you can hold...
  12. nivek5225


    Hello, I am really new to the forum and new to snakes all together. I have never had a snake before but as i have been looking all over the internet researching about them it seems like a corn would be good. My question is about them getting out and escaping from their cage. I hear a lot of...