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Search results

  1. The_Thunderer

    Scout's new buddie!!!

    Many of you met Scout for the first time just a couple weeks ago. Well... it was decided by the powers that be (the WIFE) that Scout needed a companion too. Soooooo.... here is 8 week old Dallas! :) Just let it be known that my wife picked the name and doesn't really follow football. BUT...
  2. The_Thunderer

    Meet our new family member - SCOUT!

    We adopted this guy from the West Valley Animal Shelter. He doesn't seem to EVER bark, has been completely awesome with the kids and is just an all around perfect guy. He's supposed to be an Australian Shepherd Mix, but I'm not so sure. He's supposed to be only one year old... but some of the...
  3. The_Thunderer

    Diamondback or Mojave?

    My brother was taking out the trash one evening and heard a rattle VERY near his feet. He stepped away from the rattle sound and turned on a light and immediately called me. I caught and released this little guy, but not before taking a couple pics! Sorry that the pics are practically the...
  4. The_Thunderer

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!

    I know I'm not on here near enough any more, but I just wanted to stop in and wish a Happy Mother's Day to all my CS.com friends! I hope today is wonderful for each of you and that you're treated extra special on your day!
  5. The_Thunderer

    Farewell to "Dandy Don Meredith"!!!

    Well, even if you hate the Dallas Cowboys, you've gotta tip your hat to the passing of "Dandy Don"... QB for the Cowboys until 1968 and one of the original crew for ABC's MNF with Howard Cosell and Keith Jackson. He rode into the sunset today after suffering a brain hemorrhage. RIP, Mr...
  6. The_Thunderer

    Any Issues Using an Air Purifier?

    I'm just curious if anyone has had any issues using an Air Purifier in the house around your herps. I know that if WE aren't used to it and walk into a "purified" room, the air almost has a "metallic flavor" to it. Does anyone here think it might be detrimental or actually have any experience...
  7. The_Thunderer

    Dear Friends...

    I know that I haven't been on here very much recently... sticking to the Football threads for the most part... I do plan on getting back into the swing of things and spending time online with ya'll. :) I just wanted to ask that those of you who would, keep my extended family close to your...
  8. The_Thunderer

    Happy Holidays!

    Just wanted to say, "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" to all of you CS.com friends!
  9. The_Thunderer

    "Angels vs Demons"

    Not to start a religious debate... I'd really rather not. However, I'd like to know if anyone watched the movie "Angels vs. Demons"? What was your take on it and did you like it? Did you like "The Da Vinci Code? We don't need to get into the religio/political stuff... but I'd really like...
  10. The_Thunderer

    Phoenix Reptile Expo - November 14 - 15, 2009

    Posting this as an FYI and hoping that some of US will make it there! Should be fun!!! Forgot... Here's the link! Phoenix Reptile Expo
  11. The_Thunderer

    Mal - Abbott's Okeetee from Catherine - Progression Thread

    Here's Mal's progression thread. If you haven't seen his future mate, check her out here... INARA. Mal is the opposite of Inara (just like the TV show and movie!). He was a wiggly worm who wouldn't sit still for anything. LOL. Here he is! 10/06/2009 Since he...
  12. The_Thunderer

    Inara - Abbott's Okeetee from Catherine - Progression Thread

    I finally have taken pics of Inara - Female Abbott's Okeetee from Catherine (Jynx). I think she's AWESOME and I hope the pics I took of her shows that. LOL. Let's start with Inara. She was an EXCELLENT subject. So excellent that she simply FROZE whenever I put her somewhere... which made...
  13. The_Thunderer

    Jean - Hypo BR from PJCReptiles - Progression Thread

    Here's another WONDERFUL 2008 PJCReptiles acquisition. Her name is Jean and she's a Hypo BR. You can see pictures of her when I first got her HERE. Now, look how much she's changed!!! Understand that she just "cleared" from being blue... so she's gonna shed soon... and will undoubtedly look...
  14. The_Thunderer

    Barry - "Cherry" Motley from Tucson Reptile Show

    Here's my final update for the day of "photographically neglected" snakes. LOL. This is Barry... I bought him as a "Cherry Motley" along with another one who didn't make it (wouldn't eat). He's turning out quite nice, but I wish he had stayed darker (like a bing cherry). Still the pretty boy...
  15. The_Thunderer

    Everest - Coral Snow from PJCReptiles - Progression Thread

    Here's another one of my "photographically neglected" corns. LOL. They probably THANK me for not taking their pics... Anyway, you can find pics of him as a baby HERE in his introduction thread. Now for pics of Everest today 10/05/2009. "Uh... Where'd the ball go?"...
  16. The_Thunderer

    Kirk - LBR Lavender BR Progression Thread

    Well, I've finally gotten around to taking pics of some of the "neglected ones". This one is of Kirk, my Lavender Bloodred from Carol at LBR. You can see a couple pics of him as a "new one" at this thread... Feeding Day! Now that you've seen him as a baby... here he is today 10/05/2009 as a...
  17. The_Thunderer

    Mr. Freeze - Avalanche Progression Thread

    Well, I finally had time to get to Mr. Freeze. As you'll see in the pics, he's got a TON of yellow on him compared to Killer Frost. Where hers is a quick fade the further down her body you go, his is a "slow fade". :) Here he is sometime soon after I bought them both last August. Here...
  18. The_Thunderer

    Killer Frost - Avalanche Progression Thread

    Nanci hinted that I should post pics of my own Avalanches... which I hadn't done in QUITE some time. So here are some pics of Killer Frost. Here are a few I posted in August 2008 Funny thing! I just happen to be wearing the SAME shirt TODAY! LOL. Here are some today... forgive the...
  19. The_Thunderer

    Shazam, Solstice & Eclipse - Black Milksnake Progression Thread

    I know I've taken LOTS of photos of Shazam, but since Solstice and Eclipse have come aboard, I thought I'd combine their threads so we can compare them to each other as they grow. Hope you enjoy this with me! Shazam and some flowers on the coffee table... I tried to take them...
  20. The_Thunderer

    Happy Birthday, ZoologyMajor (KIM)!!!

    Well, since you gave the hint and I didn't want to miss it, I want to wish you a VERY Happy Birthday on the 27th of September! May it be a WONDERFUL day for you - even IF you got your Birthday Present EARLY! LOL.