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Search results

  1. pinatamonkey

    How long can snakes hold their breath?

    I'm prompted to ask this, because for some reason, my kingsnake has been soaking in his water dish for over 24 hours. He -is- going to shed, but it's wierd 'cause he's never done this before (humidity is the same). I checked on him earlier tonight and his head was completely submerged. I'm...
  2. pinatamonkey

    Touch of yellow

    75 degrees + clear skies + me awake before 12pm = good day to take pictures :D Here's my anery female, 4 months old. You can see the yellow starting to develop on the sides of her neck.
  3. pinatamonkey

    Winter/breeding season male feeding strike...

    I know it's common for corns to lose their appetite in the winter, and during the spring for males. But how long is the usual length of time they're off feed? Last year, my okeetee quit eating in the beginning of December, and didn't resume regular feeding till June. He had a handful of...
  4. pinatamonkey

    Anery Clutchmates...'03

    2 siblings, born in late June. Parents were amel het anery x ghost. You can that one is quite differently-colored from the other. He's the only light one of the clutch (well, that I have - sold 5 anery early on, but he's the only one of the 6 anerys I have right now that look like that) He...
  5. pinatamonkey

    Anery baby

    Female I'm keeping...
  6. pinatamonkey

    Pooping out a tail?

    My amel poo'd again tonight, and I saw a bit (about 2") of rat tail in it. No, it wasn't a regurge, the rest of it was regular poo and urates. So is it something to be concerned about? She's between 3-3.5' long and weighs approx. 395 g. The meal was a small rat, between 50 and 60 grams. I...
  7. pinatamonkey

    '02 Hypo

    A little disappointed - bought this one as a female, but judging by the tail it's probably a male. Oh well. Still a great looking snake, anyway. :D
  8. pinatamonkey

    Anery turning ghostly??

    My little guy had his second shed today...surprisingly, he came out a lot lighter than he was before. Ghost-like, even. To start out with, here's a pic of him I took 2 1/2 weeks ago
  9. pinatamonkey

    New Rack...

    My & my dad put together a simple rack system yesterday. It uses 28qt sterilite containers ($2.84 each at walmart) and precut melamine shelving (Lowes, SysDesign shelvs parts D 24"x48", parts J 24"x16"). We fastened the shelves together with deck screws. The back panel is 1/8" hardboard...
  10. pinatamonkey

    Small snake...

    My corns hatched about 2 months ago, June 26. Most of the clutch were around 10.5". One snake was a runt and measured about 9" (snake measurer gave 9.2"). Now, 2 months later, most of the corns are at 13.5", a growth of 3". The runt, on the other hand, is still under 10" (9.8-9.9") - a growth...
  11. pinatamonkey

    Not just a 'toad'stool

    All this rain is causing ...fungus... to pop up in the front yard. :D
  12. pinatamonkey

    'Everglades corn'

    Has anyone ever heard of the label 'everglades corn'? I bought this one last year at the fall tampa show and that was the tag on it's deli cup. Obviously hypo (of one kind or another :D) so mainly I'm curious to see if anyone else has seen that name.
  13. pinatamonkey

    Update on runt...

    9/25 he hatched and came out of the egg with still a lot of yolk left. Had problems shedding while the rest of the clutch was fine. He refused pinkie heads and a tiny live pinkie, so on the 14th I assist fed him a tail. He digested fine. Today one of my mice had babies, so I found a tiny...
  14. pinatamonkey

    Corn snake eye size/head shape variability?

    Wasn't sure of the most appropriate forum to put this in. My 2 '02 snakes, approx. the same size and age, have noticably different eye sizes. The top is a hypo, the bottom a w/c corn from central FL. What are your thoughts on this? Is it just variation like the number of blotches, have other...
  15. pinatamonkey

    Some of my babies

    This one seems to have inherited the larger saddles from her mom. The rest of the babies look like they have normal saddles (with the seperate blotches on the sides) Wish it was a male though...I'll probably keep her anyway
  16. pinatamonkey

    What are the odds?

    So, I bred my amel (het anery) with my ghost and got 17 eggs. They all hatched, so I have 17 babies - anerys DH amel and hypo, and normals TH anery, amel, and hypo. Out of these I have 11 anery and 6 normal (a 65-35 ratio) 10 males and 7 females (60-40) Out of the 11 anerys, 4 males, 7...
  17. pinatamonkey

    What do you do with kinked snakes?

    4 of my hatchlings have what feels like kinks. Most are very slight, I only found them because I was feeling specifically for them. One is a little more visible from the side, but still not severe. All are mid-body, none near the vent. If they all eat, poop, etc., and seem to thrive, then...
  18. pinatamonkey

    How to ship?

    Is there a 'Beginner's Guide to Shipping Reptiles' out there, or another resource with instructions on how to go about shipping snakes, etc.? I haven't even recieved snakes through the mail, so I don't have any guideline to use...? Thanks.
  19. pinatamonkey

    What to do about a runt snake?

    <img src="http://members.lycos.co.uk/pinatamonkey/breed/IMG_3705%20(Small).jpg"> Hatched out a runt. I was worried about the egg, it didn't grow in size at all after being laid... It's 8-9" long and very thin, about 4-5mm diameter...(the other snake is about 10.5" and 8mm diameter) Does...
  20. pinatamonkey

    First hatchling...

    Here's the first one to crawl out of the egg from my amel x ghost breeding...:D I like how he(?) has 'jigsaw' looking spots on his neck.