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Search results

  1. N

    Strange white stuff on pinkies?

    Hey, so I haven't posted here for a while and that's mainly because I haven't really needed to. Every thing has been going pretty well. But I do have a question to ask. So tonight I went out to pick up more pinky mice from a place that I don't normally get them from, and once I got home I...
  2. N

    Baby corn not using warm hide

    Hey all! So I recently got my first ever corn snake! She's about 3 months old now and I have some questions about the way she's acting. When I first got her the first thing she did was explore her new enclosure. She then found her way into the warm hide, where she spent the rest of that day...
  3. N

    Does this look like a good setup for a baby corn snake?

    Hey all! So today I went out and bought all the stuff that i'll need for my first baby corn snake and just wanted to ask if it looks like a good setup. Here's a picture. [/IMG] As you can see, i'm using ReptiBark as substrate, have two hides, a water dish big enough to soak in, a rock and...
  4. N

    Just seeing if this works

  5. N

    Is filtered tap water safe for a corn snake?

    Hi all! So I have a question about tap water. I'll be getting my first corn snake in about 2 weeks from now and my mother insists that our tap water doesn't have any chlorine in it, but i'm not so sure. I know that chlorine is put into water to kill harmful bacteria and things like that; and I...
  6. N

    Feeding box?

    Hi! So I know this forum is about feeders, but this is about feeding so i'll give it a shot. I'll be getting my corn snake somewhere within the next 2 weeks. She's the first snake i've ever had so I wanted to ask: What does everybody think about feeding boxes? Some people seem to think that...
  7. N

    Is it normal to be nervous before getting your first corn snake?

    Hello everyone! So after doing a bunch of research on corn snakes (Proper husbandry, feeding, health issues, handling, ect.) I managed to convince my mother to let me get one! So we went down to a reptile specialty shop that's about thirty minutes away to go look at some. They clearly take good...