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Search results

  1. Indyshark

    Really bad shed

    My cornsnake has been trying to shed for a week or two and it looks terrible. I've tried to keep her cage as moist as possible, but it has not helped. I remember reading some time ago about letting your snake crawl through a cloth that was wet with some kind of oil. Do you have any suggestions...
  2. Indyshark

    Here is my oldest and biggest Okeetee!

    Gandalf is 4'6" long and as tame as a puppy. He is a gorgeous snake, and I wish I had a nice female to breed with him!
  3. Indyshark

    Exo Terra Snake Caves

    Has anyone seen this new hides for sale in the US? I've been looking for them, but I can't find them anywhere. I saw them for sale in Europe, but shipping was 25 POUNDS! Wow Thanks!
  4. Indyshark

    How many times should I put them together?

    This is my first time trying to breed corns snakes and fortunately, the snakes know what to do. My sunglows bred very quickly last night. Should I put them together again or just wait to see if the female develops eggs? I'd appreciate any advice you can give. The motley sunglows are myy...
  5. Indyshark

    Have you seen the new Exo Terra Snake Caves yet?

    I just saw these on their web site and they look very cool. Has anyone seen them or purchased one yet? I think I might be getting one soon, but I can't find them for sale yet. I think they will be in stores and on line in a few weeks. Check out "snake caves"...
  6. Indyshark

    My Corns have never read the cornsnake manual!

    I tried to breed my Okeetees this springs numerous times and had no luck at all. I gave up and decided to try again next year. I was cleaning their cages this afternoon, and while I normally put them in separate containers, I didn't today! Yep, 5 minutes later I had two very happy cornsnakes...
  7. Indyshark

    What do motley sunglow cornsnake hatchlings look like?

    I have two very attractive motley sunglows and was interested in getting some more. I saw some for sale at today's Indianapolis Reptile show, but they sure don't look anything like my snakes. I am embarrassed to admit that I have forgotten what hatchlings sunglows look like! Does anyone have...
  8. Indyshark

    Where can I buy Rubbermaid 2221 tubs?

    I have a boaphile cage that I keep some of my corns in and it uses Rubbermaid 2221 tubs. I can't find them at any stores near here and was hoping someone could recommend a store or someplace on line to purchase them. Thank you very much
  9. Indyshark

    50 foot snakes attacks Helicopter...with pictures!

    Here is a really neat thread that I read on another board. Check out the one that wanted to eat the helicopter! http://www.meta-religion.com/Paranormale/Cryptozoology/Snakes/giant_congo_snake.htm http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=53165
  10. Indyshark

    My Mother has a black snake in her garden! (I'm jealous!)

    My Mother called today to tell me she found a large black snake in her garden. She wasn't sure what kind of snake it was and when she got a broom to shoo it away it was gone! She lives in Pinehurst, NC. I think it was a black racer, black rat or perhaps a pine snake. Does anyone else have any...
  11. Indyshark

    What happened to Reptibid?

    I like checking out Reptibid, but it seems to be down. Is it temporary, or has it been shut down? Thanks all!
  12. Indyshark

    Kathy Love's New Corn Snake Book

    I just got my SIGNED copy of Kathy's new book. I have not read it yet, but I have had a chance to look through it. It looks GREAT! It is much longer than the old one and has TONS of great photos. This is a really nice book. Well done Kathy! Rich, I love the photos you contributed!
  13. Indyshark

    SMR Motley Sunglow (Male)

    As promised, here are pictures of my male. I don't know if you can see this in the picture, but he has a neat "X" on his side formed from two saddles. His name is Striker! (and he has never bit anyone!).
  14. Indyshark

    SMR Okeetee

    Ok here is my male 2001 Okeetee. He is very pretty and I wish my female was as nice.
  15. Indyshark

    SMR Silver Queen Ghost

    Here are some nice photos of my ghost. She is pretty nice and photographs pretty well!
  16. Indyshark

    SMR Motley Sunglows

    Ok here is my first attempt to post pictures of my 2002 Motley Sunglow Female, Sauron. The flash washed out her color but she is very pretty. I could not get the male to hold still for a decent picture.
  17. Indyshark

    My files are too large!

    I have some nice cornsnake photos but they are too large to post. How do I reduce them in size so I can post them?
  18. Indyshark

    My sunglow hasn't eaten for 3 or 4 weeks.

    I have four cornsnakes in a boaphile rack. Three of the corns are eating like champs, but my female sunglow hasn't eaten for several weeks. I am not worried but I am concerned. She's gone off her feed to two weeks before but never this long. Anyone else have any experience like this? When...
  19. Indyshark

    When should corns breed

    I have two okeetees that appear to be ready to breed. They are three years old and I was wondering when would be a good time to put them together. I assume March or April would be appropriate for wild corn snakes, but I would appreciate any advice you may have
  20. Indyshark

    One year old corn snakes not eating?

    I have four corn snakes that are 15 months old that I keep in a Boaphile rack. I feed them once a week and they eat like champs. For the first time, one of my females didn't eat last week. I didn't worry about it too much until this week. She didn't eat and the other female didn't eat either...