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Search results

  1. T

    Whoops! Almost 1 year since I joined!

    Hi everyone! I haven't posted in a while. I actually have 10 snakes now! Oh my gosh. It's almost been a full year since I joined this site. April is when it will be. Rogue is still great, and Wolverine is fine too. Everyone is just pretty peachy. I've got boas, my corns, and also Kenyan sand...
  2. T

    New kids!

    Note to self: Don't surf craigslist. It will get you in trouble. And thats where these came from. Daaaaaaaang it! LOL. Well, at least I can get feeders really cheap. Just have to get rid of the atrocious and space eating tanks and get tubs all setup with flexwatt and all that jazz. Without...
  3. T

    Here is my new addition!

    I've been waiting to introduce him for a little while. I have had him 3 weeks now and he is super fantastic. He is about 4 1/2 feet and YES he was purchased from a pet store. I checked on him for nearly 3 1/2 weeks before deciding on the big purchase. I know someone who works at the pet shop...
  4. T

    Funny pics!/Snake updates

    I've recently gotten some rats and my dog likes to lick them and play with them. I put the youngest baby rat on her head and took this photo. It turned out really funny.. ;) Blaze: My little rattie.. On another note my snakes have gotten pretty big. I have a few photos showing size. The...
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    Wolverine is found/your escape stories

    After 7 days wolverine showed up out of the blue.I opened my bedroom door and there he was. He escaped due to a left out pin.I am very lucky. Tell me your stories!
  6. T

    How many snakes do you have?What is your limit?

    Just wondering how many snakes everyone has and what kinds? I have 3 corns and one Hog Island/Col cross. I have room for more corns and would consider a Nicuruguan Boa or full Hog Island.I won't ever have anything over 7 feet.That is too much snake.I'll know when I have reached my limit.
  7. T

    Wolverine is missing

    I moved him to an alt tank because my cats trashed the top on his. I must've lefj the pin out.He has been gone two days. sigh
  8. T

    Updated pics of the crew plus 1 more!

    Hi everyone!! I haven't been here in a long time. I moved into an apartment and I have no internet access until I go to my moms so I am posting all my updates. I recently a acquired a new OKe 09 Male! His name is Sunfire. lol. Still keeping with my Xmen theme names. He's just a little baby but...
  9. T

    Wow, that was freaky! (amazon tree boa ramble)

    I had another joyous day at the pet store.. hehe. I was down to feeding the Amazon Tree Boa but I wanted him to have a soak with Shed Ease so he could get his awful skin looking pretty again. Well I grabbed my gloves again and reached in for him....He struck at me and ended up out of his cage on...
  10. T

    Ahh... The "S" word!

    That would be.... SCHOOL.. College.. Yes I am 26 years old and I have no degrees and have no clue what the heck I am doing.. Well I finally filled out my information to get student aide and it said I could get about $5100 in Pell grants. OOh... Well, Now I have to pick the school I want to go...
  11. T

    Who let the ball pythons out?

    *sung to the tune of "Who Let the dogs out" lol. My manager told me today that... ALL OF THE BALL PYTHONS escaped at the store! I was like "Crud! That must've been me." I guess that I had not slid the screen door in place and had the pin outside the lock. I probably was in a hurry to help a...
  12. T

    New pics of Callisto..my boa!

    I haven't posted in a bit but here's a small update. \ What a lovely expression.. "I will eat you!!" lol. ;) Her very cool eye: I have way too many pictures.. LOL. Thea
  13. T

    Question about viv sizes..

    I am just wondering what the typical size is. I have 2 corn snakes who are both about 22 inches long. One is housed in my 30g tank and the other is still in her 10. I just upgraded Callisto to a 20L last night. Unfortunately her branch doesn't fit in it like it did the other one so I am going to...
  14. T

    As of sunday I ALMOST...

    LOST MY JOB!!! Here is the kicker and I'll start it off with a nice little story.. I was about ready to clean out Mr nasty pants Coastal Carpet Python when suddenly my manager walks in and says " As of Sunday.. We would all not have jobs...BUT... DRUM ROlll...... THE COMPANY was bought out...
  15. T

    Rogue and Wolverines official progression thread..Part Deux

    I figure I am just going to have to keep updating the threads for photos separately so I decided to combine them. So.. Here are a few. Wolverine is freshly shed. YAY! Pre shed: Snakes in a... Sock? A shoe? Yes, Wolverine likes to go hide in these things. I put my sock(I know, eewwwww) on...
  16. T

    Uh oh! I'm in major trouble now!

    I posted an ad on craigslist looking for a Hog Island Boa and someone replied saying they had a male. I couldn't get that one because he wanted 125 for him. At the last minute he offered me a Hogg Island/Columbian cross and I just had to take it. He came all the way from Oregon for delivery. We...
  17. T


    Just wondering how often you handle your snakes.. I try to handle every other day and just let the snake individually slither around and explore(with heavy supervision though! I know they can get through ANYTHING!) My snakes LOVE to climb around on the towel holder/rack in the bathroom. I let...
  18. T

    An amazon tree boa bit me today~!

    Okay, not really.. I was at the store and it was a continuation of feeding day from Friday because I didn't get to everyone(you know I had to wait on customers too!) My manager insists I feed each snake in a separate container. I put these thick gloves on so I could get the nasty tree boa out...
  19. T

    Meet the new members of my family..

    A male Guinea Pig and a paralyzed bunny. The bunny is from work and it was going to be used for meat if I didn't take it. I'm a sucker so I took it in. I got a cage and everything. Argh. *sucka* ;) That would be me... The guinea pig was free on craigslist with all his supplies. I had to buy the...
  20. T


    Yesterday was snake feeding day at the store.... One out of 15 snakes has mites.. So far. The small juvenile Red Tail Boa. I think it's a female..Anywho I pulled it out and she was chock of full the little bloodsuckers. I don't get it. I cleaned out this cage, and she's been sprayed several...