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Search results for query: *

  1. Dakota314

    Poops a lot?

    I have a 1.5 year old corn- Kellogg. He eats a hopper every Sunday. A couple of days after he eats, he poops. But then he poops again the next day, and sometimes even again the day after that. Every time he goes it is a normal size compared to him. Is it normal for them to poop a couple of times...
  2. Dakota314

    My New Wittle Leo Baby

    I'm a little late on posting this, but a week ago I got another little baby leopard gecko. He is really skiddish, but he is so cute that I couldn't pass him up. It's been a week and I STILL can't think of a name! I've never had this much trouble naming one of my pets before. I've gotten a lot of...
  3. Dakota314

    Who wants to help me with Career Advise?

    So, I'm about 1/4 of the way done with junior year of high school, and my parents/grandparents/aunt/just about everyone else is nagging me about college and jobs and getting me foot in the door. I know I want to try to get into a career with reptiles or some other kind of animal, but I have no...
  4. Dakota314

    Feeding my Boa Question

    I got my little guy in April, and he has eaten great for me. He is almost a year old. I move him to a seperate container to eat, and usually zombie dance it for him. Well I was changing aspen on Sunday when I fed him, so I just put him and the mouse in his feeding container and closed it. He was...
  5. Dakota314

    Kellogg Ate His Hopper Backwards

    So I just fed my little guy, and he ate it backwards! At first I just laughed at him and was like, "Yea ok. You just try to eat that thing backwards." Apparently he took this as a challenge and sure enough, he ate it butt first. I'm just making sure that this won't cause him to regurge or...
  6. Dakota314

    My New Ferrets!

    I've wanted some ferrets for a while now. Well I surfed Craigslist, emailed about 6 people, and non of them emailed back. Don't you hate when people don't email back? Yesterday I found a good looking ad for 2 ferrets that was posted earlier in the day. I texted the people, and they texted me...
  7. Dakota314

    Ashoka, my Not So Little Ghost Blood

    I took the snakes outside for some pictures today, and realized I don't have a thread for Ashoka! :eek: Well now that's fixed. This is Ashoka, my 600 gram ghost blood. Lately she has been really agitated, and I'm not sure why. She has always been a little shyer than my other snakes, but within...
  8. Dakota314

    Reptile Shows

    Does anyone know how I can find out what reptile shows/expos are coming up in my area? Please and thank you!
  9. Dakota314

    Kellogg-Ghost Motley Pinstripe Progression Thread

    I got my newest little one today. His name is Kellogg, as you can probably guess from the title. My cousin suggested the name because he had a Kellogg's Corn Flake box as a hide in his old tank, and the name stuck. I'm pretty sure he is a boy, based on the look and feeling of his tail. He is...
  10. Dakota314

    Need to seal grout?

    I'm getting another corn next week, and don't have hides for him, so I'm going to make some. I planning on using styrofoam and the foam in a can stuff to make the shape, then grout it, and maybe paint it. If I don't use paint, do I need to seal the grout with anything to block bacteria, or no...
  11. Dakota314

    I can't choose!!

    I was surfing Craigslist, and came across a breeder that seems pretty knowledgeable. So guess who is getting another corn snake? ME! The only bad thing about getting another snake is choosing which on to get! I really need your guys' help. Please vote which one you think I should get! All are...
  12. Dakota314

    Baby Columbian Boa Concerns

    I know a few of you keep boas, and I have a few concerns about my new guy. He is about 9 months old. I got him about a month ago. I let him be for 5 days to settle in, then fed him on the 6th day. He ate the f/t within a couple of hours, and all seemed to be going well. In another 8 days he...
  13. Dakota314

    Shedding on me!

    Well, today was Trip To All the Pet Stores Day, to get food for all the animals. We decided to bring my corn Ashoka with us, since she is so calm and loves to go places. She loves people. Well our last stop was PetSmart, and while we were getting feeder fish for my turtle, she started rubbing...
  14. Dakota314

    Scale rot or injury?

    Background: I got Nina off of craigslist about 3 years ago. Her first couple of sheds were bad, but since has had decent to perfect sheds. She eats f/t every week, besides breeding season when she refuses, and last week she ate for the first time in 3 months. She is on aspen shavings, using a...
  15. Dakota314

    Musket- My baby Columbian Boa

    I'm super pumped. I've wanted a boa for months now, and I finally found the perfect little guy! He is a Columbian Boa, and I'm told that he is a red tail, but I know a lot of people call them red tails even though they're not. I named him Musket. He used to eat f/t, but the people who had him...
  16. Dakota314

    My new Painted Turtle

    Got this little guy today. My mom was at an old friends house, and was offered a turtle. Of course my mom got him for me :) They have been trying to get rid of this guy for over a year now. He came with a tank, some rocks, a house hide type thing, a filter, and some food pellets, for free! His...
  17. Dakota314

    Casey the Leopard Gecko

    Here's itty bitty Casey, my leopard gecko. I got him almost 2 months ago from Petco, and he has already shed 4 times. This is the first time I've taken him outside, and I love how the sunlight highlights his colors. He HATED the grass at first, but by the time picture time was over I don't think...
  18. Dakota314

    Sal the Salamander

    It was really nice out today, so I took the herps outside for some pictures! Sal loved it. He did not want to sit still for pictures. He has never really been good for pictures though. Excuse the dirt on his face. When I tried to get it off he bit my finger. :rolleyes: Well, here he is!
  19. Dakota314

    Outdoor Pictures of Nina- Amel Corn

    It wsa pretty nice out today, so I decided to take Nina outside for some pictures. She didn't want to sit still. Kept trying to climb onto the camera, as always. :nope: When I got her almost 2 years ago, she had almost no yellow. Now her sides are covered in it :) Thanks for...
  20. Dakota314

    Snake Road!

    We went to Missouri over spring break, and on the way back stopped at Snake Road, IL. For those who are not aware what this is, it is a road on the south tip of IL that is closed to motor vehicles 2 times a year due to huge numbers of reptile and amphibian migrations. We saw TONS of...