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Search results

  1. Skeet

    Red tail rescue

    I went to my local Petco this evening to buy some mice. I went by the reptile section to check out the snakes because they are having a sale on ball pythons, $30 w/ an extra 50 percent off. Anyways, I asked to see their red tail, and the clerk told me someone dropped off two Colombian red...
  2. Skeet

    ready to go

    I had my 04 anery(male) and 04 amel(female) out at the same time, and I noticed my anery was very interested in the amel. He was smelling her then started rubbing his head on her, and I thought he was trying to rub on her so I looked at his tail and saw his hemi-penis was popped out. :eek1...
  3. Skeet

    Anyone figure out the water bottles?

    I can't stand these water bottles. Sometimes i can get it and sometimes i can try and try for an hour and it keeps leaking. I'm tired of their cages getting all wet, having to change it twice in a row. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had this problem, so please any tips would be apreacited.
  4. Skeet


    I got this guy 3 weeks ago from a breeder I met through Craigslist. Anyways he sold it to me as a normal. His father was an amel stripe and his mother was a high orange okeetee. this little guy looks normal except that he has no checkers on his belly and has there messed up saddles, that...
  5. Skeet

    fighting over babies

    I don't know what's wrong with my mice. I have a male w/ three unrelated females who have all been having normal litters, for the past 4-5 months. only once before had they killed/canibalized a litter. well one female gave birth today...14 born one of them was killed and half eaten by another...
  6. Skeet

    Where can I get co2?

    I now have more mice that i have snakes to eat em. there are 5 weanlings left, everyone is well fed, and there are more on the way. where can i get a small amount of co2? is it easy to get?
  7. Skeet

    three weeks to the day!

    three weeks ago from tomorrow, one of my mice gave birth to her first litter. i heard some faint sqeeking tonight and noticed that she is giving birth again. not even three full weeks. wierd, the other female still hasn't gotten pregnant yet, maybe she's just infertile. she helps take care...
  8. Skeet

    Should I remove the male?

    Ok well looks like my first breeding attempt is going well, three weeks ago i put a male togather with two females. Both females are looking pregnant and I can see their nipples through their fur, and just started making like nests out of the carefresh. They've never done this before, so i...
  9. Skeet

    do mice musk?

    I got a live mouse as a feeder today. I have a jeep and it's not a smooth ride and on the way home the mouse soiled(only liquid)the box it was in. it smelled really bad, and the snake refused to eat it. it smelled up my room and i swear i still smell it on my hand even though i've wash it...
  10. Skeet

    reptivine...pics requested

    Does anybody use reptivines? and have a picture of it in their viv? I got some today and can't figure out how to make them sturdy enough to be used. :shrugs: Please any ideas or pics would be appreciated.
  11. Skeet

    Anyone in NYC wanna go in on some mice, and split shipping?

    I had a local guy i bought my mice from but he only stocks pinkies now and i need bigger ones. Really don't wanna spend all that on shipping. anyone interested let me know.
  12. Skeet

    strange looking refuse

    Bill just let this one go, it look like a really big piss. is it normal? he just shed last night, and ate.
  13. Skeet

    How long after blue will they shed?

    When I got buffalo bill he shed 2 days after i got him, but then refused to eat for a month. Well he's eating great now, always goes right for the pinky, but won't swallow it untill the container is closed. He hasn't shed in 3 months. He went into blue last week, and his eyes were blue for...
  14. Skeet

    coming back for regurges

    skeet regurged on 12/16 from a pinky that was too big for him. before that he was eating really well. I fed him again on 12/28 and he ate it no problem. he fed again on 1/17 and regurged it on 1/19. i gave him a while to recoupe and raised my temps. I then fed him a pink head on 2/3 and...
  15. Skeet

    Scratching his nose?

    Got a wierd question. I just fed Bill and he's finally eating on a regular schedule and has actually become pretty fiesty. anyways, after I put him back in the viv he was really active and was pushing his nose into the carpet and lifting his neck up, but like he was trying to burrow through...
  16. Skeet

    Another lost snake story

    :( I got up this morning went to brush my teeth and i come back and my anery has his head up staring at me. I gotta go to class but I figure I'll just hold him for a minute. I'm sitting with him on the couch and he starts going into a corner, I tried to grab his tail and he took off into a...
  17. Skeet

    I messed up!

    hey guys, i did something stupid last night. i fed one of my hatchling who had been a problem feeder, but had started to eat consitantly, well i left him and the pinky alone covered and after half an hour i looked to see if he was done yet. he had it half sticking out of his mouth, i recovered...
  18. Skeet


    I have a hatchling who won't eat. i've had him almost 2 weeks and hasn't eaten yet. I don't know anything about what or when he was fed before I got him. He shed 2 days after i got him, but he neeeded to be helped out of his skin. Anyways, he still wont eat and i've tried everything. The...
  19. Skeet

    herp vet in nyc

    Hey anyone know of a herp vet or anyone that can sex snakes in New York City. I live in Queens and would greatly appreciate it.
  20. Skeet


    Hey, What do it mean when a snake is blueing and how can you tell when a snake is ready to shed? :eatpointe