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Search results

  1. F


    During my corn's last shed (which finished on 4/20) he started making a popping noise while he exhaled and sometimes breathed through his mouth; I looked at him through a magnifying glass and it looked like at least one of his nostrils was blocked by loose skin. The popping noises and mouth...
  2. F

    Hunger strike

    Phoenix has always been a good eater for me, but he seems to have gone on a hunger strike since his last shed. It's been over a month now since he last ate, and while I know that's not necessarily unusual, I want to make sure there's not something wrong... He's been very active lately as well...
  3. F

    Pressing nose into mouse?

    This is less of a problem/concern and more of a curiosity...when Phoenix is getting ready to take a pinky he'll press his nose into it a few times, occasionally opening his mouth a tiny bit but not taking it immediately. Sometimes it almost seems as if he's trying to open his mouth but can't -...
  4. F

    Question about feeding two pinkies

    I weighed Phoenix today and he's at 12.34 grams (which I love), so he's not yet at the 2 pinkies mark but I want to make sure I'm prepared before he hits it. Mostly I'm wondering...what's the best way to feed a corn two prey items at once? I see it mentioned all the time but no techniques ever...
  5. F

    Not gaining much weight?

    This may be normal for a young corn, but I've seen references to young corns growing relatively quickly as well so I want to make sure... I haven't been very good about weighing Phoenix and that's on me, but after three feedings he's only gained .3 grams, which doesn't seem right...he's...
  6. F

    Feeding/shedding clarification

    Phoenix turned in very early last night and hasn't come out at all today except to drink, which makes me think he might be getting ready to shed. (He's certainly due for one!) Feeding day is Wednesday, and I know I've seen people say that they'll feed their snakes while they're getting ready to...
  7. F

    Rubbing face on himself?

    Phoenix apparently slept the day away on top of one of his hides (I don't know if that's meaningful) and after waking up has started rubbing his face all over...himself. Which seems odd to me. I'm not sure what to think - he hasn't gone blue, and if he wanted to scratch you'd think he'd be...
  8. F

    Single scale peeling off?

    Phoenix has a little translucent doohickey sticking up on his head that looks like it might be a little bit of skin peeling off? As far as I can tell it's just the one little thing, and he's been active and hasn't been blue so I don't think it would be related to shedding. I tried to gently rub...
  9. F

    Pinkies look weird - Arctic Mice

    After doing some research I noticed that the pinkies I'm offering to Phoenix (and which he has thus far refused) don't look like what I'm seeing other people use - instead of basically mouse-shaped and pink, they're like little purple sacks attached to heads. One of them has a tail, and I think...
  10. F

    mites :(

    I saw a mite on Phoenix's head today when he was peeking out from one of his hides, and I took him out to see if I could find it/them and even after a couple minutes of looking closely and from multiple angles couldn't find it again. I also let him slide through my fingers to see if any would...
  11. F

    Shedding + feeding

    Phoenix has been hiding quite a bit the last couple of days, and today I noticed that his eyes are cloudy. I tried feeding him a couple of days ago and he wouldn't - at that time I didn't notice cloudiness, so I'm not sure if he refused to eat because he was starting a shed cycle or if it was...
  12. F


    I definitely have first-time-parent anxiety, but... Phoenix has been super active ever since I brought him home; he'll take breaks to go hide, but within a couple of hours at the most he's back out again. A lot of what he's doing looks like trying to escape, but a lot of it is just looking...
  13. F

    Phoenix the Okeetee

    After months of preparation, at long last: I brought home a corn snake! I don't have any good pictures of him yet, but I will post some once I do; for now, though, the breeder (Snakess n Lizzards) has a picture of him here. He's been active and curious since I brought him back - he settled down...
  14. F

    humidity too high?

    Apparently my house is humid; I thought the hygrometer just wasn't accurate when it said 70% humidity, but I checked the dehumidifier in the basement and it had the same reading. (Then again, maybe the basement is just very humid...) I've been doing research and seen everything from "70% is...
  15. F

    another thermostat question

    I've seen people recommend putting the thermostat probe between the UTH and the glass; is there a reason for this? It seems to me that it would be easier to position the UTH and readjust the probe if needed if it were taped to the outside of the UTH, but maybe not.
  16. F

    good tank clips/snake strength?

    I just bought a Zilla 20-gallon long and am working on escape-proofing it in anticipation of getting a baby corn (in two weeks, if all goes well!). If you're not familiar with these tanks, they have a sliding lid so all but the front edge is held down securely; the front edge does lift up...
  17. F

    Thermostat questions

    I'm preparing to get my first snake and I'm trying to figure out how one sets up a thermostat - just in theory for now, since I don't have all the equipment yet, but I want to be prepared! I saw a post on here about taping the thermostat probe to the bottom of the UTH - are probes generally...