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Search results

  1. jennrosefx

    Worm has lost his mind! Thoughts?

    As many of you know, I have a beloved Leucy Texas Ratsnake, Worm. I've had him since he was a wee hatchling, and he's about 3 years old now. He's always been an absolute ANGEL. Heh. Well last week was feeding day. I took him out of his cage like normal and set him in his bin. He attacked his...
  2. jennrosefx

    Kitten update! :)

    Well, the little miss seems to have gotten over that respiratory infection rather quickly. After three days of awful congestion and a whole lotta sleeping, she's now ripping around the house and bouncing off the walls. She likes to mimic me (which makes scratching post training easy... I just...
  3. jennrosefx

    URI's and Herpes in cats? Advice?

    Anyone here have experience with URI's and/or Herpes in cats? My shelter kitten came home with mild sneezing. The vet listened to her lungs, and said they sounded clear, that it was just an upper respiratory infection. He gave me Amoxicillan and some ointment for her watering eyes and said...
  4. jennrosefx

    New Kitten aka. this is why I should never have children

    After visiting way too many shelters, and emotionally scarring myself seeing all the cats and kittens in need of homes, I found a ridiculously cute little Tortie that latched on to me and refused to let go... *smiling* She's amazing. She's sooo sweet and affectionate.. constantly...
  5. jennrosefx

    It's not a snake... but...

    After having an empty home for the past 5 months since my evil genius of a cat passed away, I've been given the green light to get a new kitten. Each time I talked my boyfriend into me bringing another snake home, I always had a very specific snake in mind. This is the first time I've had the...
  6. jennrosefx

    Black cat with blue eyes??

    At what age to kittens eyes change colors? I know they're all born with bluish eyes, but at a certain age they change? That being said, how common (or do they exist at all) is it to see a solid black cat with blue eyes? I saw an 8 week old black kitten today, with the brightest, most amazing...
  7. jennrosefx

    Desert Adventures...

    Worked on a shoot last weekend out at the Trona Pinacles. The rock formations were amazing, and even got to have a few fun critter encounters. Guess I should start with the herps, eh? CHUCKWALLA!! "When threatened, the chuckwalla will wedge itself in a tight crevice, puffing itself...
  8. jennrosefx

    I got a jooooob!

    So, because of SAG threatening to strike for the past, oh, 6 months or so, work in the film industry has been DEAD. I've been getting little jobs here and there, but let's just say the way things were looking, after rent today I'd have about $40 to my name, and had no work in sight. Buuuuut...
  9. jennrosefx

    Bad economy and tax season got ya down? That calls for some WORM!!

    Can't find a job. Just found out I OWE taxes this year (gotta love that freelance 1099 work!). My car's falling apart. I miss my kitty. BUT... one look into this face: ... and it ain't so bad!! Hehehehehe. I was measuring the space where his current cage is the other night, trying to figure...
  10. jennrosefx

    Few random Zoo shots...

    Went to the zoo for the first time with my new-ish D90. It was madly crowded though, and my patience didn't keep me there very long... only ended up with three measly shots that I was happy with. *pouts* *zombie spoonbill- not sure hooow this shot managed to actually turn out, but I'm...
  11. jennrosefx

    The loss of a friend.

    Since I had posted here a couple weeks back in regards to biopsies and the like in regards to my ailing cat, Yoda, I figure I should post an update here... After deciding to not forgo any extreme invasive measures/tests etc for what was most likely a form of lung cancer, we opted to make him as...
  12. jennrosefx

    Biopsy experiences with cats?

    The past few weeks my cat has been ill. Coughing, not eating quite as much (but still eating) and acting a touch more lethargic than usual. Xrays show SOME sort of congestion or masses in his lungs, but ALL other tests thus far have come up inconclusive. Two weeks of antibiotics did nothing...
  13. jennrosefx

    A trip to the aquarium...and whale watching!!

    Went to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific earlier in the week. Got to finally play with my new camera...
  14. jennrosefx

    Pomona Show

    My camera is on the fritz... not letting me shoot manually and focusing weird. Sigh. So, out of frustration, I LITERALLY only took about 7 pics today. But, I made them count. Can you say... SAILFIN DRAGON!!!! How much am I in love with this animal? I purchased the Reptiles Magazine...
  15. jennrosefx

    Long overdue updates! *PICS*

    Haven't been around a ton. When I'm working I get distracted. Heh. I've been working over at Universal Studios for what seems way too long on their Grinchmas event. On top of doing Grinch and Who makeups, I was also responsible for making the Max (dog) hoods/antlers. Had a blast, snuck around...
  16. jennrosefx

    Obesity in snakes.

    I've got an ongoing problem with Pumpkin. Over the past couple years, she's become rather plump. It's been a gradual thing, I suppose, so it wasn't until recently when the severity of it smacked me in the face. I noticed her developing "Hips" if you will, sometime back. I reduced her feeding...
  17. jennrosefx

    Somebody thinks he's TOUGH.

    Every once in a RARE while, Worm attempts to throw a temper tantrum. Problem is, he doesn't know what to do next. The other day I had to take out his water bowl to clean (which he is QUITE fond of). This is what I got in response- "WHO GOES THERE!!??!!" "C'Mon. I DARE you to touch me! I...
  18. jennrosefx

    Crestie Personalities?

    So, while researching cresties, I keep seeing it mentioned about their great "personalities". What I want are stories... first hand accounts of your crestie showing some charming (or even not-so-charming) personality. I'm allready sold on the photogenic-ness, the general ease of care, the...
  19. jennrosefx


    Wow. I feel like such a fool right now. I was playing around with Worm and my little webcam thing because my friend wanted to see a current size pic. *Ima sweatty mess just getting home from a day at the shop, heh* I then went and looked back at the very first pic I took of him when he...
  20. jennrosefx

    Uroplatus (Leaf Tail Gecko) info?

    Anyone have any info on Uroplatus (leaf tail geckos)? I've found some basic info online... but wondering if anyone knows of any breeders, or are they primarily imported? Anyone here ever kept one?