Thread: Palmettos
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Old 07-20-2018, 06:47 PM   #1

So recently I decided to get re-invested in this whole hobby/community rather than just quietly taking care of my single snake. I probably won't be able to get any more for awhile, but I'd like to eventually. Which led me to looking up different corn snake morphs to see if there's any others I really like, and subsequently making a terrible mistake.

I discovered Palmettos. I was floored by such a wildly different looking corn snake, and immediately looked more into them. And then found out their price tag. Oof.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I found what they look like with anery at the same time, and I wanted that kind even more than the normal ones. And then couldn't even find anyone selling them at all.

I get the sense that they're kind of a new big thing right now, but now I'm curious what's actually being done with them so far. What kinds of varieties have people bred, and what can we expect in the future?

I'd love to get in on this sometime and see what kinds of babies I can get, but alas for now I'll just have to watch from a distance, watering my wallet with tears in the hope that more money will magically grow out of it.