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Old 08-22-2018, 06:57 PM   #1
Expert Opinions .....

I work construction, and today caught a baby snake. If I hadn't caught it when I did, it probably would be dead now.

I thought it was a Corn snake. It has marking similar to wild corns, it even has black belly checkers. I have been told by several people it may actually be an Eastern Milk snake.

I've googled pictures of Milk snakes and corn snakes and I can see similarities in both. But I also know that baby snakes look totally different than adult snakes, so it's sort of hard to figure out right now.

This snake can't possibly be more than a few days or weeks old. it's so tiny. I would estimate it at about 7 or 8 inches long tip to tip, and maybe as big as a drinking straw in the middle. I honestly don't think this snake could swallow a pinky, so I'll probably have to cut one in half.

I have the snake in a temporary container right now with fresh water, and a warm and cool gradient. I'm just going to let it be for a few days and then I may try to feed it. If I can get it to eat successfully within a week or 2, I'll let it go.

So what do you think? Corn snake or Milk snake?