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Old 04-11-2017, 04:29 PM   #34
Originally Posted by LinguiniDreams View Post
This info looks great, thanks a lot! Do you know the hatch dates for these snakes so we've got some age reference? I see most of them started at 6g so that seems at least very close to their hatch dates, not sure how much they weigh when born. With Delta, it's harder to tell unless you've got a hatch date.

Didn't know about iHerp! Just signed up, really cool stuff. I don't see many people keeping good weight records, but I'm going to keep looking and see if there's helpful data on here I can work with. I don't see a link to your profile, though, if you post that I'll check out your iHerp page as well. Thanks!
If the hatch date is known, it should be on their individual iHerp page. For Nova I assume first week of September approximately, but I never got a specific date. Tibalt would have been around the middle or end of August, since Don had a late season last year. The rest came as subadults and adults with no other info than the morph and sex, so I tend to assume most are probably mid-July babies.