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Old 05-13-2019, 12:33 PM   #1
Underweight/ overweight snakes

I got my first corn snake 4 months ago at a pet store, they didn’t know the hatch date they just said she was 7-8 months at the time. Azura weighs 32.3g and is about 23in, sex is unknown. I wanted to know if this sounds like a healthy weight or not. I’ve been going off the Munson plan and would feed her 2 pinkies every 5 days, a couple months back my dad bought pinkies in bulk smh... he said she just needed to finish those mice before they buy anymore. I finally convinced my mom to get me hoppers for Azura and just started feeding them to her. I was doing more research on how to tell if you snake is underweight and I just got mixed messages, I wanna make sure she stays happy and healthy and I need to know if there’s anything I should change about her diet. Also her hot spot in the tank is about 85 and the cool spot is 72.

Recently I was given two more corn snakes because someone couldn’t keep them. Ones a 3 yrs adult male, the other is 13 months female. The adult male is on definitely seems to be on the chubby side, they said they fed him every 10 days, he also seems pretty active in his tank. What should I for him?

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