Thread: Male Lays Eggs
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Old 06-11-2019, 03:06 AM   #3
Rich Z
This sort of thing is normally not as common as finding an animal labeled as a female that turns out to really be a male.

Reason is because sexing snakes is generally simply trying to prove it is not a female via searching for evidence of it being a male. Probing, popping, visual inspection, it's all the same. You are looking for evidence to prove that the snake is a male. Otherwise the default identification is "female". So in a lot of cases, the verdict is reached via "lacking any evidence to the contrary, it is presumed to be a female" simply because you didn't see any evidence proving otherwise to you. IMHO.

BTW, don't be so quick to throw out the eggs until you are certain they are infertile. Female snakes can sometimes store sperm for a surprisingly long time.