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Old 09-08-2019, 11:22 PM   #3
Wow, such an exciting time getting your first snake!!
I set my temps so that the floor of the cage, under the bedding, is the correct temperature. Most of the time the snakes burrow under the substrate anyway and end up sitting on the bare cage bottom, so that is where I want the right temperature to be. Then again, I use the larger aspen shavings which aren't quite as nice as the really finely shredded stuff. I think when I used to use that it didn't move out from underneath them quite as easily, so you may have to tweak your temperatures once you find out how your particular snake likes to rest. On top of the bedding, or burrowed down into it. And I agree with Karl, it's been way easier getting my temperatures consistent since I started putting the probe actually between the heat tape/mat and the cage bottom.

Congratulations, and good luck with your first snake!!!