Thread: Basking Rock?
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Old 03-01-2018, 12:30 AM   #4

So not experienced here but i think openness might be the issue like Corning mentioned. A rock could be great too but regardless of what it is if it’s in the open, you’re aroud and/or it’s lit up that could deterring your snake. I say this because my baby has a big piece of driftwood in her set up that she never went near until I made a little “tent” over it with a bandanna and now I find her curled up in there on it quite a lot! I think it makes her feel secure because shes got under tank heat so she’s not basking. It’s also very cute to pull back the little “curtain” and see this tiny girl curled up in a pile nearly blending in to the branch!

Whatever you decide to do maybe adding some clutter or shelter around it could help your snake feel more safe being there and getting warm! Like also mentioned she could be using it anyway just not when you could see her. Sneaky little things they are c: glad you’re paying attention to her and thinking about things that will make her happy, that’s good caring!