Thread: Snake Day Bed?
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Old 02-12-2019, 05:23 PM   #8
you have to be a "Paying member" to be allowed to edit your own posts. You might be able to talk nicely to a moderator and get them to edit for you, but I've found they are usually quite reluctant to do so. As to your question, can a 6 foot corn snake harm a child, I'm going to say, No. Yes the snake may squeeze a bit, and it could even bite, but most corn snakes are quite docile. ***There are exceptions to the rule however, and they are folks I run into on this site from time to time that talk about how demonic their corn snakes are.*** Speaking only for myself, my corn snake is 4 years old and has never even tried to bite anyone.

It's probably "Not a good idea" to place a corn snake around a toddler or Baby's face though, because if the snake did for some reason bite, it could catch the child in the eye, damaging the eyesight. (I do know a kid that got bitten in the eye by a Boa long ago.) He's blind in that eye today. I would be more concerned about the corn snake's biting a child than the constricting.