Thread: Is my snake OK?
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Old 07-05-2019, 05:39 AM   #6
Well, she did shed overnight and, as suspected, she retained about a three inch strip on the problem area, but just on her back. Thankfully, the part on her belly did come off. She's had the damp pillowcase treatment and I have now got the retained part off, and she fed OK and seems bright and happy as far as I can tell.

I spoke to the vet this morning, who said that when snakes develop flaccid areas of muscle, there's usually a neurological cause. She didn't seem to think it was an emergency, but we've got an appointment for after the weekend so my snake can digest her feed before she has to be transported anywhere. We'll probably have to have some x-rays and take it from there.

I'm very relieved that my snake seems OK in herself but I'm still bearing in mind the possibility of a tumour and I'm not being complacent about it. I had to have my little hoggy put to sleep earlier this year because he developed a weird skeletal deformity (he was almost 11) that left the vets baffled, even after carrying out tests and doing a post-mortem. I was devastated to lose him without a real explanation as to what had happened, and would be even more so if a similar thing happened to my corn. I'll keep you posted on progress, anyway!