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Old 05-15-2019, 09:50 PM   #1
2019 Miami Tessera X Coral Snow clutch (Flint X Cora)

This clutch is from my 2015 Miami Tessera paired with a SMR line Coral Snow female that I borrowed from a friend.
I wanted to test my male to see if he was an HD (Super) Tessera, and if he's het for Amel.
He's not either.

*Flint is available! See THIS thread for details.

This clutch was laid sooner than I expected, and didn't have a lay bin in her enclosure yet, so she laid them in the aspen, and I didn't see them for a couple days, so they were dehydrated. I focused on rehydrating them, and most looked like they recovered, but out of 15 eggs, only 3 went full term.
One has hatched so far, the other two are still absorbing yolk.

There are two normal babies and one Tessera.

Pictures of the sire, Flint, and the Coral Snow female, I'm calling her Cora.
Lastly, is the first baby to emerge, COR-19-01