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Old 01-27-2018, 12:38 AM   #1
Spirit Serpents 2018 breeding plans

I'll try to get pictures up in a week or so, but I want to have this written down.
Most of my breeding this year is attempting to prove out genetics. If I'm lucky, I'll be drowning in charcoals and charcoal-based morphs with hets. If I'm unlucky, well, I'll still have fun genetics.

#1- Gabrielle (charcoal het diffused, 50% hypo, amel) x Gallium (Pewter 50% lavender)
Expected offspring: dark charcoals and pewters.

#2- Galena (suspected charcoal moonstone 66% hypo) x Mica (phantom motley 66% anery, dilute)
Purpose: Check Galena for homozygous charcoal, check for het hypo. Possibly prove out Mica's anery het.

Hoped for offspring: Charcoals het hypo, anery, lavender, motley. Carbons het hypo, lavender, motley. Phantoms het anery, lavender, motley. Platinums het lavender motley.

#3- Hematite (ghost lavender 66% het/homo charcoal) x Mica (phantom motley 66% anery, dilute)
Purpose: Check Hematite for either homozygous charcoal or for het. Check Mica for the anery het.

Hoped for offspring: Phantoms het anery, lavender, motley. Platinums het lavender motley. Hypos het anery, charcoal, lavender, motley. Ghosts het charcoal, lavender, motley.

#4- Nessie (anery 66% hypo, charcoal, lavender) x Mica (phantom motley 66% anery, dilute)
Purpose: Check Mica for anery, check Nessie for hypo and charcoal.

Hoped for offspring: Normals het hypo, charcoal, anery, motley. Hypos het charcoal, anery, motley. Charcoals het hypo, anery, motley. Aneries het hypo, charcoal, motley. Ghosts het charcoal motley. Phantoms het anery motley. Platinums het motley.

#5- Raka (sunkissed charcoal from gazer-free lines) x Bansidhe (possible quad- Hypo, Charcoal, Anery, Lavender)
Purpose: Check Bansidhe for homozygous charcoal.

Hoped for offspring: Charcoals het hypo, anery, lavender, sunkissed.