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Old 05-30-2017, 01:08 PM   #20
I'm sorry I couldn't help, and I'm glad Tavia could. Her explanation of why they refuse food during mating season(s) is exactly what I have believed. It all makes perfect sense.

One thing I hope is that in explaining what has worked for me, you found no criticism of your feeding tactics, most of which I didn't know. No criticism was intended, that's for sure. Still I fear I may have stepped in it so I'm definitely sorry for adding to your stress in any way.

Since Clyde is on the path Eve followed, I may soon get my turn with longer fasts. Even one refusal bothered me and stressed me out, though viewed logically it is no big deal. I can imagine, extrapolated from my brief experience, how stressful it feels when they stop eating for longer periods. I hope Eve starts eating again soon.