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Old 04-15-2002, 12:23 AM   #2
Are you certain that it's because of the fuzzies? Cause to me, it doesn't seem like too much fuzzies. Opening its in all the time or just kinda like a yawn. If it's like a yawn, then it's because that its repositioning it's jaws back to it's original position. Opening mouth all the time might be a sign of respitory infection. Take it to an experienced herp vet asap, also increase the tank's temperature.

Mine yawns all the time after it's meal. Then rubs it's head on something (it's like telling me that it's full) everytime I see them do something like this, they don't want anymore mice........

but tjen keep a good eye at it and see what happens.....

if it ate 2 fuzzies before and didn't have any problems, this time eatting 2 fuzzies shouldn't be much of a problem either.

Good luck and Happy Herping!