Thread: Just a question
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Old 11-14-2017, 04:57 PM   #15
Brian at BHB ( snake bytes tv ) conducted a feeding experiment with 4 groups of corn snakes. You can check out the results on YouTube. I'll give you the episodes at the end of this post if you want to watch them. I don't like the antics of his employees, as they tend to diminish the importance of the topic, but some may find them funny.

The corns were set up in 4 different groups, 5 in each group, with all about the same weight in grams ( 15 grams ). All corns fed using the Munson feeding plan which Brian outlined.

1. Group 1 fed one pinkie every 5 or 6 days.
2. Group 2 fed slightly smaller pinkies twice per week.
3. Group 3 fed one pinkie dusted with vitamins once every 5 or 6 days.
4. Group 4 fed one mouse 20% larger than the others once every 5 or 6 days.

The results were dramatic, as you can see if you watch the videos.

Group 4 had huge gains in size and weight. Although Brian said he preferred raising the corns at a slower rate.
Group 3 with vitamins was next in growth rate. I guess that answers the question of whether vitamin supplementation is worthwhile. Brian admitted that he was surprised by the results, as he didn't usually recommend vitamins. This group gained 10-15% more than groups 1 and 2.
Group 1 actually grew slightly larger than group 2, even though eating just one pinkie of the appropriate size.
Group 2 came in last, even though fed twice per week.

Go to YouTube and search for the snake bytes tv episode "How do I feed my snake."
The results are in an episode titled " satan snake vs Chewy." You may also search BHB feeding experiment.