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Old 05-09-2019, 10:54 AM   #29
I guess I can add another clutch to the list.

Brokk x Henna

Brokk my 2011 Miami Tessera (het Amel) that I produced, he is the start of my Miami Tessera line.
Henna Miami Okeetee from Live Oak Serpents (ph Amel, Anery, Hypo) from LBR line parents.

This one was not one of my planned ones. I wasn't going to breed Henna this year, but at one point during the season, she looked like she was ovulating, so I put Brokk with her a handful of times. I didn't think she took, but apparently she did.
I went in to check to make sure everyone ate last night, and saw that she refused hers. There were six eggs, and looks like more to come.