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Old 02-23-2019, 08:10 PM   #2
Soak it in shallow water about 82 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. If the water feels warm to you it's too hot. Then let the snake slither through a damp rag or paper toweling and the shed should roll right off the snake's body. Make sure the end of the tail is free of old skin.

The humidity in my snake room is only 40% and I don't have shedding problems. If there is water in the vivarium, as yours does, the corn will soak while in the shedding process, and even after for a day or two. If I notice the snake's eyes clouding over I'll wait a few days and start gently misting the substrate, but lately I haven't even been doing that since they all shed without any problem.

My corns stay on the cooler side of their containers most of the time, except after eating, and sometimes during the shedding process. Then they stay on the warm side while digesting, and soon move to the cooler side again.