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Old 12-31-2012, 01:25 PM   #15
Originally Posted by Wyldrose View Post
I use a mix myself
1 50lb bag of wild bird seeds
1 50lb bag of oats
1 10 lb bag of cat or dog food(no red dye it's bad stuff!)
I also add what ever I have around things like
dry pasta
dry rice
dried crumbled bread
rabbit pellets
dried veggies(including seeds)
ceral(avoid the sugary stuff)

I use to buy hog grower as well and add to the mix but I get hives up my arms when I touch it.
I have to ask a dumb question about the cereal. Why avoid suger? Does it just make them fat or does it do something else? I recently got cornflakes & rice crispies...but they only get a very small amount every so often. I was wondering when I bought it but it seemed like every cereal out there has sugar in it now and they didn't have any puffed stuff but sugar puffs and those are REALLY sugary. I was just looking for variety basically.