Thread: Strange biting
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Old 10-13-2017, 03:58 PM   #3
I've owned a lot of snakes that did the same biting behavior. My scent seemed to be a trigger to certain snakes. We probably would be on their food list if we were 6 inches tall rather than 6 feet Haha.....
I was at an Expo years ago and a snake was being passed around. Adults and kids were holding him. I had an interest in him so I asked to hold him next. He was fine for about a minute until he started sniffing my skin. Well he decided that my finger just what he wanted and latched on. He even got my finger down to the last knuckle before I was able to get him to uhh throw my finger up LOL. I just figured I didn't sanitize well enough after touching another reptile before holding him. I purchased him and took him home. Well that snake would sniff me (rub his snout on my skin) every time I handled him! I had a few other snakes do the same. Some would just sniff while others would also half heartedly bite. Some were corns while others were kings, beauty's and rat snakes.