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Old 11-13-2018, 11:11 AM   #9
First of all very interesting thread!

I have some pics from some of my snakes were you maybe see the difference.

My Caramelblood and his daugther (Toffee het. Caramel) developed a glossy metallic shine after around 2 years. I think this makes it also very difficult to seperate Caramels from Golden...

The last pic is my Amberblood who is not related to the others. He does not develop this metallic glossy shine but i think this has something to do with Hypo.

Around 7 years ago i had a Caramel female with thik Borders but all three of them are borderless. So i think Border or Borderless is not a good reference point to differentiate Goldens from Caramels.

Most of the Caramels here in Germany have borders. Just a few are Borderless.