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Old 06-24-2018, 12:35 PM   #16
She has a clear lay box in her tank with a generous amount of damp sphagnum. By pester, I meant walk near her tank, check conditions, peer into the box etc. I have had other snakes in the past successfully lay, then hatch out the clutch to healthy babies. I'm still learning and check this site when I have questions or want to know more - always learning something! The collective knowledge here is fantastic!

The bulge by her tail, as determined by the vet and x-rays, was trauma from an event prior to when I got her. Her eggs were not near her cloaca.

I was wondering if anyone else had experience with a similar situation? If she still has the swelling, will she be able to pass the eggs without issues?

I figured if she doesn't lay in a reasonable amount of time, I will be calling the vet, though I would rather avoid another trip (unless she needs the visit) that may unnecessarily stress her out and cause her to have more problems with possible retained eggs.