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Old 06-12-2013, 10:13 AM   #78
I have done that for years already, giving calcium a few times before laying, they need it for their muscles to push the eggs. Massaging an egg out bears the risk of damaging an egg tube if it is twisted or stuck to the egg. I go to the vet, whom numbs the vent area so the muscles relax (and of course pain reduced) so you need way less pressure.

I know not everyone is a fan of waiting, some rush to the vet right after laying and let their snakes be operated on right away if the egg is not close to the vent, but to each their choice. We all learn from our own experiences and peoples advice, but this has always been difficult decisions in breeding snakes. Waiting till after shedding worked out best for me in cases of 2 or 3 stuck eggs. I decided to not rush into all kinds of interventions since I read an advice from a very experienced and large scale breeder, I am 99% sure it was Rich of Serpenco's advice. Since the calcium feeding I have had no serious egg binding problems, but I also exercise and keep the females leaner than I used to do.