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Old 06-28-2008, 04:36 PM   #8
Originally Posted by starsevol View Post
If she was mine, I would breed her to a bloodred stripe (or a stripe het bloodred).
The bloodred offspring would then be het for pewter, bloodred stripe and pewter stripe.
Or breed her to a fire stripe (or amel stripe het blood), and get blood babies het for blood stripe, pewter, pewter stripe, fire, fire stripe, phantom blood and....phantom blood stripe!
It would be a longer-running project, but I think something you *might* want to consider!
As of right now (I say "as of right now" because things always change )...
My only Blood Stripe is female, my Normal Stripes are not het Blood, I have no Fire Stripes (darn it), and my male Sunglow Stripe is not het Blood. I do have snakes that are het Blood & Stripe but those, of course, give no guarantees and it would be near impossible to decide which babies, to hold back, when there are no guarantees to have inherited either het or both.
'Course, it could be a good excuse to purchase another snake.