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Old 04-13-2005, 02:19 PM   #34

I'm a smidgie-bit confused...Is my signature area OK?

My site is a little creative (read as boredom reducing) outlet for me when I have some spare time on my hands and I have lots of pics and links to another site that hosts pics of pets, a caresheet page, etc. I have never posted a 'Hey dudes, come check out my site' post but I do let people know in my signature area that I do have a site so if they're interested they can come look. I have a 'photo of the week' and a blog and I like to tell people who might care to look at it about things that happen in my snake world and how it makes me extatic, depressed and everything in between.

Mine's a lot smaller scale than Pewter's, I've had about 850 hits since starting it in october last year and I don't have anything as nifty as a genetics calculator or anything like that.

I just want to know that my signature area is kosher and not too extravangant or 'commercial' to be in my sig. Cheers,

PS, this post is not meant to lure people to look, I just want to know if this is OK to include in my signature area or not???