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Old 07-28-2017, 08:18 PM   #6
Originally Posted by Twolunger View Post
Snakes can indeed hear us, especially if we speak loudly. I've read studies that concluded that a snake's peak hearing sensitivity is in the lower frequencies between 200-300 Hz.
Since the average human voice is 250 Hz, it is right in the middle of their peak sensitivity. I do believe talking to our snakes while handling them has a calming effect on them, but that's just an opinion.
It may be an opinion but its a good one.

I use certain phrases with my snakes which I believe they do start to associate with events. For example, one phrase I use when changing water is "Fresh water for... " I especially use that one if they are watching, though even when they are in their hides I usually say something when working in their homes. When putting them back in their enclosures I say "... goes home". I talk to them in the same gentle and happy tone of voice I'd use when teaching a small child. I believe that while they don't understand the exact words they associate my intonations with the events.

I may be wrong but it seems to work for us.