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Old 11-14-2010, 07:25 PM   #7
I just had someone say that she isn't fat, she is retaining a clutch?? I plan on taking them to the vet the day I pick them up. So . . .should I just straight out cut them back to every 3 weeks with an adult mouse each time to start or slowly cut back? I do not want to shock their systems at all.

I am told they are currently in a 55 gallong tank together but they rarely come out. They won't say if they were feeding mice or rats just that they are frozen thawed. I really wish I could get to them sooner but I had to pay all my bills and move so I am bust until the 23rd GRR!

I did not plan on attempting to breed until April IF she passed a health evaluation so thank you. I will for sure watch for a possible third clutch. This is a major learning experience for me I assure you.