Thread: Tornados
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Old 03-09-2019, 03:29 PM   #2
Rich Z
Actually it appears that tornadoes are fairly common in Florida. When I was a kid, my mom and dad brought myself and my brothers down to the Tampa area because my dad was looking for a service station to buy in the area. While my dad an mom were at some meetings, us kids were left at the motel. Come to find out that a double tornado had touched down that day and went right around our motel.

I guess those cold fronts coming down and going over top of the normally warm air coming from the Gulf of Mexico over top of Florida is a prime tornado breeding ground.

Actually the reason I got interested in photography was because when I was much younger I was on the beach in Englewood and saw a water spout (tornado over water) out at a distance and found it fascinating. I wanted to be able to capture that kind of memory, so decided to buy a camera. Of course, haven't really had much luck seeing a water spout since then. I did see one that ALMOST touched down on the water, and then when I was taking some video of a sunset, it *looked* like two water spouts WAY off in the distance between myself and the sun. Nothing to write home about, though.

Anyway, every hurricane that makes landfall has a real good chance of spawning tornadoes from those storm bands coming onto land. That gives quite a bit of unpredictability for where major damage will take place surrounding a land falling hurricane. So even though the landfall center may be "over there", a tornado can touch down in your own back yard "right here".

We had one or more tornadoes REAL close by during that recent line of severe storms that passed through. Just a mile or two away, from what I have been able to gather. I didn't hear anything, however, that sounded like what I have heard people describe the sound of a nearby tornado.