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Old 01-12-2009, 08:29 PM   #15
Newby here with a quick comment.
I read through quite a few other posts before I noticed a mistake I made on my temperatures when setting up my tank for the first time, and I thought I would mention it here.

I was initially measuring my high temperatures on the surface of the substrate. Can I recommend that you consider adding a note to the heating section to make sure the GLASS isn't above 90? I found that with too much aspen bedding in the enclosure and reading surface temperatures only, I had temperatures at the glass much higher than was safe. I didn't realize that the bedding would have that much effect on the temperature range.

Info: ExoTerra Heatwave Desert UTH
Reptitemp 500R Rheostat
Pro Exotics Temp Gun
Aspen bedding

Great information.
Thank you