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Old 06-04-2011, 11:44 AM   #64
Originally Posted by kathiq View Post
I have an egg bound gal. she laid 12 eggs then stopped. After watching the video ( which was extremely helpful), I aspirated one and she passed it within hours. However she still has 6 more eggs in her that have not passed. I aspirated two more, but hse has not yet passed them. I have massaged and soaked her in warm water. She drank a great deal of fresh water and has even eaten a live fuzzy. all with 6 eggs till in her. I am afraid i am going to lose her and will try to aspirated the remaining eggs today.

Any suggestions?? We do not have a reptile vet in our area.
Keep Doing what your doing!!! Giving your girl time to rest/pass the other eggs between aspirations. Be sure to keep everything Hospital clean to avoid the onset of infection from so many Punctures.
Good Luck.....Your Doing great!!