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Old 08-19-2020, 07:10 PM   #1
Rich Z
Final (historical) pre-retirement inventory of SerpenCo

I have been going through my backup NAS server deleting any old crap that I can live without, and happened across the inventory spreadsheet I worked up when I was retiring the business and trying to sell the business and inventory to someone interested in carrying on with what I was working on. Dated 02-12-2009.

The idea behind this was to itemize all of the adults and extrapolate out what the value would be over the next three breeding seasons, estimating a conservative price on each eligible female producing a clutch of only 10 babies.

Too bad the economy was in such a shambles then. I had several people very interested in the deal, but unfortunately they just could not find a bank that would spring for lending money to someone interested in starting up a snake breeding business. So I wound up selling the animals and equipment at bulk prices to a wholesaler who apparently didn't really care about the genetics, both current nor potential, of what I was selling. I believe I sent a copy of this spreadsheet to the people who expressed serious interest in buying SerpenCo, and I think only a blind man wouldn't have seen the potential I was offering.

Anyway, if you have Excel or a compatible spreadsheet app that can read the file, I think maybe you would be interested to see what I was working with at the time I closed the doors. I am just posting this for historical purposes.