Thread: Clifford's Care
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Old 05-17-2017, 01:19 PM   #2
It's a little difficult to tell size without a weight. Fuzzies are usually around 3 to 6 grams but that varies as well. From what I can see Clifford can probably eat fuzzies, but to know for sure we need his weight in grams.

Prey size is only one factor in regurgitation. Make sure your temps are correct. That is paramount. Also do not handle your snake after feeding except to gently place him back home if you feed outside the enclosure.

I use an analog ExoTerra hygrometer hot glued to the inside back of the tank. They are accurate enough but some prefer digital. I do compare them to my good weather station hygrometer and to each other for accuracy.

No way to tell the age without the hatch date.

He's really sweet looking. Congrats!