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Old 10-12-2017, 10:53 AM   #27
There is more than one way to do things right. It varies from country to country and from online community to online community.

There are no perfect snakekeepers since there are no perfect people. I know in some quarters I’ve been lambasted up one side and down the other for feeding my corn snakes in a separate bin. I personally think in and out of bin both have their places. And if the snake is used to one and doing well there’s no need to switch.

There are some things that are generally accepted bad husbandry. Like not cleaning and not checking for complete shed. Over and underfeeding are on that list as well. As to temp there is a pretty wide acceptable range for the warm side with many of the top breeders favoring lower temps like Dragonling said.

We are constantly learning, all of us. Being overly judgemental in our responses is not helpful to people who come here trying to sort things out or who are trying to learn to do a better job. I know I shut down when faced with the drill sergeant approach. Some people do have cognitive issues and need some hand holding. I’m both sad and ashamed that the OP wasn’t treated more kindly, especially considering the sad circumstances.