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Old 10-14-2018, 10:36 AM   #13
So sorry to hear of your loss. If it was indeed cryptosporidium serpentis there was nothing you could do. She was already infected, maybe months before you acquired her. There is a newer test that is DNA based, and offers early detection, however, there is no cure for the protozoan infection. Some vets administer Paromomycin as a way to prolong the life of the snake, but it is not a cure. I often hear well meaning snake keepers say that you should quarantine new snakes, or even have a fecal sample done, but the oocysts expelled in the feces may not be found every time the snake defecates.
It is always a good idea to quarantine new snakes, but crypto may not be identified during the quarantine. The disease may linger in a snake for months or even years. Thankfully, snakes are usually maintained separately, thus limiting the exposure to the oocysts, but the snake can re-infest itself eating them.

While the typical vivarium or container cleaning process usually includes anti-bacterial soap and bleach, they have no affect on crypto oocysts. The only disinfection method recommended by vets is using full strength ammonia.