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No everything belongs to someone asshole you put something on the web and you expect it not to get around

This is where durtis went wrong. He started name calling. You knew this would just get Jim going. Why didn't you just drop it and move on? Things do get around, but you need to show respect to Jim and understand why he might be irritated. This is the logo he paid for to represent his business, and make a living. So, the image is very personal to him.
It's not that you're in the wrong by protecting what's yours. It's just that your approach could use some work. Basically, what I'm (and I think others here) am saying is that you could have handled it in a more diplomatic manner. A simple 'could you please stop using my business logo as your avatar' in a PM would have sufficed, but instead you took an extremely aggressive and public approach, hunted down (from what I saw) every post he made and replied to it with said aggressive post, and then were surprised when he (eventually) got defensive.

Copyright infringement isn't ok. However, this is the internet. If he saw an image he liked, no one had claimed it was theirs/copyrighted/whatever, and he honestly didn't know who it belonged to, there was no notice not to use...how was he supposed to know? Just for the record theft isn't the same as copyright infringement. :)

Long story short, you can't blame him for how you handled the situation, and imo your approach largely contributed to the problem. You are in control of your actions and your approach to situations. He apologized and immediately changed his avatar. You continued your highly aggressive approach, and he (predictably) got defensive. That's human nature, especially at his age.

To be honest, this entire fiasco is somewhat appalling to me, as a new member of the forum. I really hope it isn't typical. :(

LOL...once again, I guess this isnt the end of it.
How I handled it......I have found that dealing with certain people ...being nice is basically a waste of time these days. I have come to find that getting right to the point works best. I honestly dont care if he, or anyone else is offended by the methods I choose to get things resolved.

It seems like how I handled the situation is more important to some of you, than him actually stealing/using something that does not belong to him.

Now if you want this issue to be closed , I have no problem with that, but it seems like when someone makes a post to let it rest ...someone else has to come back and make another post to keep it going.
As this is a corn snake forum and it's already taken care of to the best of durtis ability I would like to see both parties either post about snakes and especially corn snakes, or just leave! Like how about some pictures of your snakes or a corn topic? Or did you just join this forum because a kid made you mad?
LOL...once again, I guess this isnt the end of it.
How I handled it......I have found that dealing with certain people ...being nice is basically a waste of time these days. I have come to find that getting right to the point works best. I honestly dont care if he, or anyone else is offended by the methods I choose to get things resolved.

It can be a waste of time, but it can also work. That's why those of us who deal with disputes for a living tend to have an 'escalation system'. Always start out nice, and only escalate if the other party forces your hand. Why burn bridges if you don't need to? Also, you've said you rely on this business for a living...why alienate potential customers?

It seems like how I handled the situation is more important to some of you, than him actually stealing/using something that does not belong to him.

He didn't steal anything. Theft requires that he deprive you of something. You still had your logo. He was just using it as well. That's copyright infringement. Nitpicky, I know, but still. Anyway, he didn't know it wasn't available for free use. You expecting him to know that is your logo, and yours exclusively, is a bit unreasonable. Especially in the wide world that is the internet.

Now if you want this issue to be closed , I have no problem with that, but it seems like when someone makes a post to let it rest ...someone else has to come back and make another post to keep it going.

I've been watching this since it started. Moderator hasn't said discussion is closed, so I felt it was acceptable to add my thoughts.
As this is a corn snake forum and it's already taken care of to the best of durtis ability I would like to see both parties either post about snakes and especially corn snakes, or just leave! Like how about some pictures of your snakes or a corn topic? Or did you just join this forum because a kid made you mad?

First off.... I'm not mad.
I came here because a friend noticed that some one was using my company logo as their avatar, and wanted to get it taken care of.

As far as your comment about me just joining .... I think I have been a member here longer than you have.
You are right. I didn't look at your join date but assumed you just joined because I have never seen a post from you before - my bad. However the only posts I have seen from you are not about snakes but about this kid and his heinous crime. I seriously don't think he meant any harm.
It can be a waste of time, but it can also work. That's why those of us who deal with disputes for a living tend to have an 'escalation system'. Always start out nice, and only escalate if the other party forces your hand. Why burn bridges if you don't need to? Also, you've said you rely on this business for a living...why alienate potential customers?

He didn't steal anything. Theft requires that he deprive you of something. You still had your logo. He was just using it as well. That's copyright infringement. Nitpicky, I know, but still. Anyway, he didn't know it wasn't available for free use. You expecting him to know that is your logo, and yours exclusively, is a bit unreasonable. Especially in the wide world that is the internet.

I've been watching this since it started. Moderator hasn't said discussion is closed, so I felt it was acceptable to add my thoughts.

Hey.... fine with me if some of you want to keep the issue going.
When people do me wrong ..I skip the start out nice step ...its a waste of time.
If people choose not to do business with me because of the way I defend whats mine ... so be it. Besides I am not the one that came here and started calling people derogatory names.

You just keep on find reasons to justify what what he did...maybe next time he'll take a step further , and steal something else that will get him much more trouble.

This seems to bother you more than it bothers him or me....why is that ?
You are right. I didn't look at your join date but assumed you just joined because I have never seen a post from you before - my bad. However the only posts I have seen from you are not about snakes but about this kid and his heinous crime. I seriously don't think he meant any harm.

Can't you read...I said I am willing to let this come to an end, or maybe we have it escalate to the point where we start calling each other names and making threats....that way we can get some warning points and banned.

I mean what is it that some of you are trying to get out of this. He did what he did ( which some of you seem to be O.K. with ) and I dealt with it as saw fit. Bottom line is ...he removed the avatar. Get past it will ya'

I contribute to forums when I see fit, and most importantly when I have time.
You are right. I didn't look at your join date but assumed you just joined because I have never seen a post from you before - my bad. However the only posts I have seen from you are not about snakes but about this kid and his heinous crime. I seriously don't think he meant any harm.

Same here Jen. I had never even heard of homegrownherps til now.
My analysis of this situation can be summed up like this :
1) The kid was in the wrong by using someone's logo as their avatar.
2) The kid found out, and promptly apoligized and changed the avatar.
3) The adult kept on going on and on (and on) about what a horrible thing the kid did.

My conclusion is that the kid made a mistake, and recified the situation as soon as he could. The adult pretty much gave himself and his business a blackeye with his attitude. There are alot of breeders that don't feel that "with certain people, being nice is a waste of time" (his exact words). I would rather not waste MY time dealing with someone who thinks being nice is a waste of his time!
Can't you read...I said I am willing to let this come to an end, or maybe we have it escalate to the point where we start calling each other names and making threats....that way we can get some warning points and banned.

I mean what is it that some of you are trying to get out of this. He did what he did ( which some of you seem to be O.K. with ) and I dealt with it as saw fit. Bottom line is ...he removed the avatar. Get past it will ya'

I contribute to forums when I see fit, and most importantly when I have time.

Um, Jim...Jen can read. You are really making yourself look bad there, buddy. You're pretty much a non-entity here, and your attitude in this thread is what the good people here will remember. You are really hurting yourself.
I would rather not waste MY time dealing with someone who thinks being nice is a waste of his time!

I'd have to agree with this statement.

Just as a note: In the interest of not further cluttering the thread with off topic debate, and thereby attracting the wrath of moderators, I've replied to homegrownherps in a PM. Just for the record. :)
I can read just fine. Just because I missed your join date doesn't mean I have comprehension problems. If you think what I posted is going to get me banned you don't know the moderators here, they are very fair. If I get a warning from a mod for saying what I did I will be VERY surprised as I have not threatened anybody or called anybody names.
It seems to me you don't really care to make friends here or want the site members to become future potential customers. Too bad, this is a good site with good people and we do welcome herp enthusiasts here :shrugs:
I can read just fine. Just because I missed your join date doesn't mean I have comprehension problems. If you think what I posted is going to get me banned you don't know the moderators here, they are very fair. If I get a warning from a mod for saying what I did I will be VERY surprised as I have not threatened anybody or called anybody names.
It seems to me you don't really care to make friends here or want the site members to become future potential customers. Too bad, this is a good site with good people and we do welcome herp enthusiasts here :shrugs:

I wasnt reffering to my join date.
Um, Jim...Jen can read. You are really making yourself look bad there, buddy. You're pretty much a non-entity here, and your attitude in this thread is what the good people here will remember. You are really hurting yourself.

So, some one has to be an entity here to be heard ?
My point is that since you're a non entity, and no one here knows you, you are not presenting yourself in a positive light AT ALL.
I've never heard of you, but I will always remember now that you see being nice as a "waste of time".
First impressions are often lasting ones.
My point is that since you're a non entity, and no one here knows you, you are not presenting yourself in a positive light AT ALL.
I've never heard of you, but I will always remember now that you see being nice as a "waste of time".
First impressions are often lasting ones.

This may be a waste of time for you ...but protecting what is mine is not a waste of time to me. If It is such a waste of time for you ...why do you keep posting.
This may be a waste of time for you ...but protecting what is mine is not a waste of time to me. If It is such a waste of time for you ...why do you keep posting.

He CHANGED IT BACK when he found out he was wrong.
So, you could have stopped "protecting what is yours" a long time ago.
Dealing with you, as in EVER comptemplating doing business with a nasty person such as yourself, is a waste of time.
But calling the shots as I see em with regard to your attitude, is just speaking truth, and that is never a waste of time.
The child has shown much more maturity and class than you.
He changed the picture and apoligized, but you keep on "defending" a picture...childish to say the least.

Maybe if you make like a dog and pee on it, it will prevent some other kid from making the same mistake.
can a mod pleast just end this?? or at least can the members please stop posting here...this is a pointless arguement that will definitely get nowhere fast and could get worse and worse with more encouragement..everyone here gets along great and I would really like to keep it that way..so please everyone..just if you don't agree with homegrownherps theories just put him on ignore or something..no reason to edge this conversation on any longer..let's just close this thread from discussion..I wish a mod woud just lock it..:headbang::headbang:
He CHANGED IT BACK when he found out he was wrong.
So, you could have stopped "protecting what is yours" a long time ago.
Dealing with you, as in EVER comptemplating doing business with a nasty person such as yourself, is a waste of time.
But calling the shots as I see em with regard to your attitude, is just speaking truth, and that is never a waste of time.
The child has shown much more maturity and class than you.
He changed the picture and apoligized, but you keep on "defending" a picture...childish to say the least.

Maybe if you make like a dog and pee on it, it will prevent some other kid from making the same mistake.

Really now ....take look at who I am really having the arguments with....basically all the people who think he did no wrong, and didnt like the way I handled it.
I dont see any post where him and I are actually arguing.

And theres a big difference between a "picture" and custom artwork.
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