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The walking path on our property via drone

Rich Z

Staff member
I decided to break out the Skydio 2 drone to take video of the walking path on our property that Connie and I use for exercise. Haven't played with this drone for a while, so I decided to try it out in a "follow me" mode, using a beacon that allows the drone to help stay on track both via a video image recognition, and also via a GPS signal. Connie didn't feel up to walking that day, and I wasn't sure it would be much fun for her, not knowing what to expect out of the drone. So this is sort of a "selfie" I guess, with the drone following me along the path.

All in all it did pretty well, but did get itself into a jam a few times. A few other times it seemed to give up on the idea of following me at all, and I had a few concerns that the drone was going to fly off on it's own to parts unknown. At least with it's outstanding obstacle avoidance, it didn't crash into anything. But it did go through a golden orb spider's web at least once. Not a lot of control with the beacon, but I was able to get it back on beam most of the time with some coaxing. Except at the end of video #1, where it decided to fly into the woods alongside the path and just hover there, ignoring me completely. So I just initiated a landing and let it have it's way. I tried to encourage it several times with hand waves to let it know it didn't need to be afraid, but I guess the weenie drone didn't believe me. I don't think I gave it the finger at any point, but maybe I did. :eek:

Both videos are rather long, and probably not of much interest to most people. But what the heck. You get to see some of our bamboo groves if you are interested in seeing them. If not, well, there are other things you can look at on this site.

