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  • Glad to hear hubby is doing good. YOU...need to eat more bananas! LOL If there is anything we can do from here to help, please let us know! Miss talking with you!
    Pat I left you a comment on your beautiful new King! I should have left it here but wasn't thinking.
    Thank you Pat for the comments on my babies. I noticed you like my Banded Amel. She is one of 2 sisters I have. I will be looking for a mate for them sometime soon. They are even brighter and more orangey in person.
    Thank you Pat! We have worked years to get the collection we have and there are still so many more Jay would love to add to our collection. Raising babies for 3 years have been fun, now I cant wait to see some nice morphs in 2009! Yes, 2008 was fun too. I would love to see some pictures of our babies you have. Feeding pics are cool! You are more than welcome anytime, all the three girls and hubby too.
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