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  • PJ OMG!!!!!!!!!! I know things have not been great for you, but I was afraid to bother you or bring anything up. How are you feeling? I have missed you!! I
    Remember "Dobe"? I've had her about 1.5 years. Went in to feed her today and she was 'gone'. She didn't eat last week, but didn't think she was sick. Found a dark black spot in her stomach area. Else looks good. She was a good girl. I haven't held her for a few weeks due to overtime/kids etc. She sure was a pleaser though. Thanks for her memory.
    I never did breed her as she was more close than the other. I do still have the Ghost Stripes. Any mates you can suggest?
    PJ- were you able to talk to whomever you sold the charcoal lavender female to, and let them know I would be interested in talking to them? :)
    Thanks! She actually sold within the first few hours of me listing her for sale. Sorry!
    Thank you girl! :) I love my JCP. He & an IJ female came from a girl who lost her job & had to rehome all of her snakes. I took them in as foster, but the girl decided she didn't want them back. I plan on getting a girlfriend for him down the road, but the planned pairing isn't going so well.
    Hey!!! How are you doing? I hope all is well! I'm on a new schedule at work, & I have weekends off now :) woot!
    I'm looking forward to my first planned breeding this year! :)
    I cannot wait til your little munchkins grow up, so I can see what babies they give me :D
    Have you tried making sure your Java is up todate? That could cause that not to work if its not updated.
    I actually sold Doc to my work and Betsy, (wstphal) bought him. I just had to do it, and I am really sorry. He is sold to Betsy and she may wish to do that with you.
    Hi PJ. Long time no talk!

    Gus the SK is at my house for now. Beth needed to reduce the load since her mom was going to be changing water bowls after she gets home from the hospital, so I've got some of hers on breeding loans & Gus came up too. He's off heat, so he's no work, but I can bring him up some weekend if you like since I don't have any SK breedings planned for 2011, or he can stay here & maybe go back down to Beth's after I warm him up and feed him a few times. Let me know.
    I want to publicly say thanks for the AMAZING snakes!!! I'm so happy with Rorschach and Wolverine. Also, I hope all is going well for you!
    PJ, Thanks for taking care of the Lone Survivor Fire Cornsnake. She arrived today and looks GREAT!!!!! Your AWESOME to work with and I look forward to doing business in the future!
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