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  • I'll do my best Rosie, I really will. I am actually a falsely accused innocent bystander.
    Hi Love, yes and I think I'm back to stay for a while. I've missed you.
    Thanks for rep boost. The pic represents how often my snakes poop on me, via the "Poopsmith."
    Thanks for the REP on the History thread, Rosie. I REALLY do want to go back to school and finish something off... It is a HUGE gaping hole in my life that I need to make amends for. One day, it WILL happen! Thanks!
    LOL...I'm back, got in 5am this morning. Had a great time!
    I'm touched you were worried Wade. I'm posting just a couple pics in Gen. ChitChat for fun. :)
    Where the hell is Rosie. Maybe the Cubans took her hostage. I'm worried.
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