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Old 03-05-2023, 05:51 PM   #1
Picky eater, a rat snake that won't eat rats.

I've had my captive born corn snake for several years, raised him from a little under two feet long to nearly five feet long.

Over the years, gradually went from small mice to small rats (always frozen) and always a happy eater.

But five months ago, he just cold turkey stopped eating rats. Completely ignores and rejects them. I have had to revert back to mice, which he scarfs up.

I have tried a few different sources; so it is not a matter of simply being a bad batch.

As we know, corns snakes are a type of rat snake. So, I have a rat snake that won't eat rats.

As larger snakes get better nutrition from rats, I would like to solve this problem. Anybody have any idea why my rat snake won't eat rats any more?