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Old 05-26-2023, 07:44 PM   #7
Champagne Snows

I bought a single male Striped Champagne many years ago and created many Projects from him. I have been saving back some of his offspring for many years now. This year, I will have several adult female Champagnes producing, that are as PINK as you can get. They are just getting started. Here are a few photos.

In the first photo you see a Champagne Motley het Striped Sunkissed x Amel het Striped Ice Sunkissed. She is what I would call a Cherry Amel. I read a post about an Amel line that had three red genes in it called Cherry. I think this girl is homo for RedCoat, Red Factor, and Red Blotched, or is it called "Cherry"? This breeding will produce Striped Champagnes and Striped Amels, as pink and red as they get.

Since recovering Striped Champagnes from my projects, I came up with a couple of first of their kind. Motley Champagnes were new here, and now check out the last photo. It is a Champagne Sunkissed with a perfect Striped Champagne. Not as nice as the St Chp, maybe missing RedCoat, but she is still brand new.